Albuquerque Mold Remediation
Mold Remediation Experts in Santa Fe and rio rancho Areas
If you have recently suffered from having a flood or extensive water damage on your property, or even have simply had trouble with extra moisture in the building recently, it is important to look out for the dangerous problem of mold. Once identified, it is crucial that you work with professionals as soon as possible to remedy the situation.
What You Need to Know About Mold Invasions
When your home is invaded by mold, it is critical to deal with the problem in a safe and speedy manner. Mold can spread through your entire home in just 72 hours; causing serious and harmful impacts on the health of your family and destruction to your property.
When the circumstances are right, mold colonies are able to begin forming in under 24 hours. If the surrounding areas are moist and damp, the mold will just continue to spread until you have a full-on invasion in your property.
Mold not only is extremely damaging to your home, seriously weakening the integrity of your foundations, but it can cause long-term detrimental health defects. To preserve the safety of you and your family, rely on our experts at Hands On Construction for extensive Albuquerque mold remediation.
Contact us now at (505) 933-7681 to discover how we can preserve your building with our powerful mold recovery procedures.
Major Health Risks Associated with Mold
Mold spores can cause a great deal of discomfort to the average person and create even more serious reactions and side effects to those who have allergies or are more sensitive to these powerful microbes. Less dangerous symptoms include runny noses, itchy skin, sneezing, migraines, coughing, and reddened eyes.
More hazardous reactions include asthma attacks and hives. In some cases, black mold has been known to lead to long-term respiratory illnesses, and even death. Never try to handle these toxic environments on your own. Let our professionals safely remove all the mold and restore your home to its secure and comfortable state.
What Is Involved in Our Thorough Mold Remediation Process
When mold is present in a home, great measures must be taken to ensure that none of it is left to remain. Our specialists in mold restoration are careful to implement a detailed, comprehensive process for removing all mold from your property.
You can count on our dedicated technicians to:
- Thoroughly inspect and evaluate your house – When we provide our comprehensive evaluations, we will investigate all areas that are growing mold or have the potential to develop mold, and then show you our plans for step-by-step removal.
- Secure the area where mold is and begin removing these hazardous microbes – Once our safety enclosures are up to halt the mold from spreading, we can begin destroying the mold with powerful antimicrobial cleaners. To get rid of mold spores floating in the air, we can use highly advanced HEPA filters.
- Testing the security of your home – After removing the mold, we can ensure that the area is completely dry, to prevent future growth, by utilizing specialized equipment to dehumidify the area. Then we can perform powerful tests to ensure the mold has been utterly destroyed.
Contact Us Today!
Here at Hands On Construction, our specialists offer powerful Albuquerque mold remediation that you need to secure your property from these tiny but dangerous particles. If you have a mold problem in your home, don’t hesitate to reach out to our professionals for a fast and effective solution.
Call us today at (505) 933-7681 or contact us online and we can offer you a free estimate immediately.